Vacation Reflection Part 3

What was amazing about this place was the dedication, discipline, and commitment of the athletes themselves. They move to Colorado Springs and give their lives to training for their sport. They set aside everything else and make this pursuit their top priority. They are dedicated, committed and very disciplined. They spend day after day training themselves up. They follow strict diets and strict training schedule. They give up everything else to devote full time to being the best that they can be at their sport. They literally give their lives to their sport and live it 24/7 at this training facility.
It makes me reflect upon my discipline and my commitment as I give my life to Christ. To really give our lives to Christ (and not just play church) requires discipline and commitment. It is a 24/7 devotion that is needed. We need to continually nurture our relationship with God by doing spiritual disciplines of meditating on the Scriptures, prayer, fasting, worship, spending time with other Christians, Serving and sharing our faith with others so that we can be trained up and grow deeper and deeper in our love and relationship with Christ.
We, I, need the commitment, discipline, and dedication of these Olympic athletes in regards to my relationship with Christ. Then he can build me up into the person that he wants me to be.
Love today.
In Christ's love and mine,