More on "Instead"

This word is just hanging with me and continuing to cause me to reflect upon my relationship with God.  I wonder what are those things that we chose to do instead of growing and maturing in our relationship with Christ.  If we are not growing and maturing the truth is we are doing something else instead.

I think it was Ray Kroc, the McDonald's founder that said, "when you are green, you are growing and when you are ripe you rot."  When the growing stops you start dying.  This is true of living organism.  It is true of plants.  It is true for us.  Instead of growing we start dying.  Instead of living the life that God calls us to and becoming the people that God calls us to be, we start dying.  We don't grow and mature, instead we wither and die. We dry up.  We are drained of life giving power.  We are emptied of life.

"Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ."  Ephesians 4:15

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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