What's with this blog?
Today I am going to begin this blog as my own spiritual discipline. I am not doing this thinking that I have something special to say (or to write) that others need to read. I am beginning this blog as way for me to develop a daily discipline of noticing, focusing, and being intentional about my relationship with God and what it means to live each day with Jesus. I pray that this can be a place where I can think deeply about what it means for me to live out my relationship with God and this blog would be a dialogue with other folks that want to stop pretending, stop hiding, and stop playing church. I pray that this will be a place that I and others can wrestle with the teachings of Jesus and the implications that they have for our lives if we are going to be the church and not play church. I don't want to just talk about following Jesus but I want to follow Jesus and share stories about the crazy stuff that following Jesus gets me into. I pray that this blog will help me, and othe...