God is Amazing
It is amazing what God can do if we will let him. God is not going to force us into anything. Love doesn't do that. But, if we will let God be God and allow him to have his way with us God will do amazing things.
I have seen God do what seemed to be impossible. I have experienced God's power in my life when I was at my weakest. God is amazing.
I was thinking to day about how often we forget how good God is. We come up against problems and difficulties and instead of remembering that God is amazing and can do what seems impossible to us and that God has done it in the past for us, we get overwhelmed by the problem.
It is helpful to remember what God has done. It is helpful to remind ourselves that God has gotten us through the "impossible" before. God has always been there in the past and he will be there again. God is amazing.
Love today.
In Christ's love and mine,