Give what is owed

“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” - Romans 13:6-7

I think that when we read the passage from Romans we get focused on the paying taxes part. Even though today is April 15 and tax day is approaching I want to look more deeply into what Paul is saying here.

Paul is just using taxes as an example for a deep truth that he is trying to convey. The scripture instructs us to give to everyone what is owed.

Do you owe someone respect? You should show them respect. Do you owe someone honor? than you should honor them. Is someone worthy of praise? You should praise them.

Today, everyday, it is time to give people what we owe them, because today is the time we are sure that we have. Do you need to tell someone thank you. Do it. Do you need to offer forgiveness? Do it. Do you need to tell someone you love them? Do it. Do you owe someone your respect? Do you owe someone your honor? Do it today. It is time to give what is owed to others. Respect, honor, love, and forgiveness. In this way we give God the glory, honor and praise that is due him.

Love today.

In Christ love and mine,


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