Not a re-verb

I was thinking about love and what real love is.  I have heard it said that love is a verb.  This is correct love, when it is true and real, has legs.  It motivates and moves us.  As I was pondering that aspect and reflecting on my own capacity to love it hit me that too often my actions are reactions.  I love because.  In the case of our relationship with Christ, our love is always a reactions because first loved us.  So, our love in that since is a re-verb.  However, God's love and the love that he calls us to with one another is not, and should never be, based upon the action of anything or anyone else.  It is a love that acts first.  A love that has no condition of action before or after.  It is a verb not a re-verb.  It is a love because.   Let's try this today.  Love without condition.  Love just because.  Let's love unconditionally because Christ's loves us unconditionally.  Love your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, strangers not because they have loved you are done something to warrant love.  Just love.  I bet it impacts our day.

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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