It has been a while since I have done a "Thank God it's Friday" post.  Not that I have not been grateful or had things to give thanks for, I just haven't been making the posts.

It is funny how we can get in the rut of taking things for granted.  We can get in auto pilot and fail to recognize or remember that we have so much to be grateful for.  This is why I use to always make sure that Fridays where a post that would cause me to count my blessings.  The truth is that everyday I can and should be grateful.  Each day I can and should take time to thank God.  This is why I shifted away from the Friday thing because each day I should give thanks.  Each morning I wake up I can and should awake grateful.  Gratitude is a choice. It is my choice.  Each day I need to make that choice and express my gratitude.

I am stopping right now, I hope you will too, to say "thank you God!"

What are you thankful for today?

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


Enjoyed reading a few of your most recent posts and look forward to reading more. Especially liked your Looking Back post and feel I'm one of those people that are living in the past sometimes....something to think about, and learn, so I became your newest follower.
Connie (aka LOU)

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