The Big 400!

It is hard to believe it, but this marks my 400th post to my blog. The Big 400!

I am reminded of a story that I heard about Karl Barth. Barth was a Swiss theologian and a great thinker for the church that some have called one of the greatest theologians in the church. Barth died in the late 60's. The story that I heard was that he was speaking to seminary students and answering their questions. One student asked Barth what he felt was his greatest theological discovery. After pausing for a moment, this great theologian who had written many books and could argue theories and doctrine stated, "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."

Of all the words that could be written and heard by any of us these are the most precious, "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."

Do you know that Jesus loves you.

You are loved today and everyday.
In the moments you are feeling unloved. Your feelings are deceiving you. Jesus Loves You.
In the moments that you are unlovable you are still loved by God.

The sooner we discover this truth the brighter our lives will be. We can trust this statement to always be true no matter what. "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so!"

Live as one who is loved.

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


Unknown said…
Thanks for the blog! I really enjoy and forget to let you know how often it is just what I need to hear!

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