Change Me

I heard a statement about a week or so ago that I just cant stop thinking about.
"Change isn't change until you change." What does this mean? Why am I so drawn to this statement? As I continue to live with these words and wrestle with their meaning, I think I am understanding why they are attracting me.

Change is not change until we change. You see the change that is important is the change in us. I use to say that people, that I, could never really change. I could change some habits. I could change some behavior but I would not change. However, the core promise of the Gospel is that when we live our live in Jesus, as his follower, we will be changed. Changed to be like Jesus. Our hearts changed to be like His. Our minds and our character, changed to be like His. The purpose of our changed behavior and changed habits, as Christ followers, is so that we are changed as people.

The change is not change until we are changed. If we change some habits or behavior but we are still the same then there has been no change. If we do new things but just complain about the new thing then there is no change. If we allow patterns and practices to change but we don't embrace them and change ourselves than the change never takes place. If we don't allow change to happen in our practices, behaviors, habits, and thinking then change doesn't happen.

"Change isn't change until you change."

Are you changing to be more like Jesus?

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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