Hanging Out

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 NIV

The Psalmist reminds us that we can find rest when we dwell in the shelter of God. The word dwell conjures up images for me that are more than just temporary moments with God or now and again thinking about God, but long term hanging out with God. Spending time in God's presence. Spending time with God. Spending my days and my night drawing near to and offering my life to God. It is not a one hour a week thing. It is not a when I am in trouble thing. It is when I hang out in the shelter of God that I will rest in him and find rest in him. It is when I hang out with God daily that I have a rest and a peace in the midst of the troubles that come my way. It is when I dwell with God I then see that he works in all things for good.

Life is about dwelling in the shelter of the most high. Each day we have the opportunity to hang out there or hang out some place else. The reality is that God is will us all the time and is there for us but we must choose to seek our shelter in him every day.

Choose today to find rest by hanging out with God.

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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