Thanks for Your Prayers

Thanks for praying. My step mom came through her surgery well and is now recovering. Please continue to pray for her. I am truly grateful for your prayers. I am grateful that you would spend time placing our situation before God. I am grateful that for a moment as you turned to God you were also thinking of us. I am grateful that you interceded and petitioned God on our behalf.

Prayer is powerful. It connects us to God and each other. God cares. God hears. God Acts. Prayer makes us more aware of these realities.

The other morning I received a text form my friend Pastor Paul in Kenya. He asked for prayers because his children did not have food. I prayed that God would provide for their needs. I prayed specifically that God would give them food. My children prayed that Gd would meet the needs of Paul and his family as they went to school. I received a text later that morning that said, "Praise God, someone brought them by some food."

Pastor Paul when he heard about my mothers surgery said that he was going to fast and pray for her on the day of her surgery. He called me and prayed with me over the phone as my mother went into surgery. I prayed with Tom my mothers pastor. I prayed with my family and many people all around the world connected to God and to each other through the power of prayer. This is a way that I have been reminded of the power and the connection of prayer. I have been reminded again of how we are connected as we carry one another into the presence of God through prayer. I am reminded again of how grateful that I am that God cares and others care. I am reminded again of how grateful I am that we can talk to God and God listens.

When I say thank you for your prayers I hope you understand just how grateful I am. I am grateful for all the work that is done through prayer. The work done by God. The work of God done in and through those who are the subject of prayer as well as the work God done in and through those that pray. Prayer is an expression of love. May we all learn to pray without ceasing.

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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