And A little Child will Lead Them
Yesterday was one of those long days. It was a great day but it was long. We have those days form time to time. Worship was wonderful. In the afternoon we had a birthday party for Delaney and then we went trick-or-treating for the local food pantry with other United Methodist in our area. This event was put together by Wesley United Methodist Church and they invited us to share in the event.

It was really awesome to go with the kids door to door around town and collect food for others in the community. What a blessing to listen to the kids and to watch them give of their time to help other. And you know what they had fun while they did it. They did not ever ask, "why cant we get candy like when we trick-or-treat on Halloween?" They got it. Helping, caring, and loving others in real and tangible ways builds community. Working together for the benefit of others shines a little bit of God's light for other to see in the darkness.
Shine the light in real ways today.
Love today.
In Christ's love and mine,

Shine the light in real ways today.
Love today.
In Christ's love and mine,