It's Back! TGIF

This week as part of the Lenten study that I am apart of we are being challenged to take 30 minutes everyday to be in God's presence. The challenge is to stop, slow down, and to spend time with God.

Stop and listen.

Stop and be in God's presence.

Stop and give thanks.

Stop and realize that you are God's child.

I think that a live of gratitude is filled with moments of stopping and reflecting. As we spend time in God's presence recognizing that God loves and cares for us we can't help but come away grateful. When we spend time listening to God and enjoying the still calm voice that speaks to our souls we can't help but come away with gratitude. God hears our prayers! God speaks to us! God cares for us! God is grateful for us and us coming to him!

Take time each day to get focused, renewed, and refreshed. Take time to listen and to give thanks. Take some time to have your heart of gratitude shaped by being with your heavenly Father.

Love today.

In Christ love and mine,


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