One of My Neighbors. My Friend.
The pictures that you see with this post are pictures of brothers and sisters in Christ in Kenya who I have gotten to know through this blog. The man in the wheelchair is Pastor Paul Migowe. He lives in Kenya, Africa and is involved in ministry with people with disabilities. He told me in an email,

"we have a vision of reaching the little known with the word of God. By saying little known I mean the disabled who the society dose not care to reach out to. I mean cripples, the deaf and dumb, the lepers. We try reach the mentally ill. We try feed them too. People living outside the cities who have never been told the love of God and to have them know that God loves them and that salvation is for all people."
Pastor Paul's church, Overcoming Broken Hearts Ministries International, is praying for me, my family, and for Dockery Chapel. One morning I received a call from Pastor Paul, he had come across this blog and felt that he was being led by God to begin to communicate with me. We have been communicating by phone and email and praying for God's leading and guidance for our ministries. We are praying that the Lord make a way for us to meet in person and explore ways that we can share in each others ministries.
Now, I am sure that you are thinking how can this be? You might wonder if I am being naive or if I am being taken? Is it real? What is the scam?
How come our default position is not that God is working. How come our first response is more often skepticism rather than "all things are possible through Christ"? I will admit that when Pastor Paul first called and asked for my email so that we could communicate, I hesitated. I wondered about I prayed. I even sent him the first email and said I am trusting God that this is not a scam.
What if God is working and bringing together ministries in different parts of the world to help us understand who our neighbors and friends are? What if God is trying to show that His power to connect us to each other is even more powerful than the world wide web?
I want to be a part of sharing God's good news and love with people all over the world and I don't just want to say it. I want to love like Jesus. I want to know, really know, the power of God. And I want to trust God to do what on my own is impossible. I am praying for Pastor Paul and his ministry. I am praying for the other pastors he is in ministry with and I am praying for his church. I am also praying that God open any door ways for us to be ministry together so that through us other might see God's power, love and grace.
It is a small world but it is God's world. I learned a song at a very young age that taught me that God "has the world in his hands."
Trust in God's power to do seemingly impossible things today.
Trust that God is working in your life today.
Love today.
In Christ's love and mine,