
It is one of the toughest concepts to grasp and actually live.  I am refering to grace.  Yes.  Grace.  This is central to our relationship with Christ.  Grace means that God does for us what we can't and offers us his favor even though we can never earn it or ever deserve it.   We can do nothing to reconcile our relationship with God.  Sin is a terninal illness that ends in death.  Christ dies our death so we don't have to pay the price for sin.   He gives us a freebie if we will recieve the gift of his salvation.

Here is where it gets tough for us.  We have knowledge of this and in our heads we agree and understand grace, but, we live like we have to work for it.  We tell ourselves that we are not good enough or we are too bad.  We work hard to try to live up to it when all the work has already been done.

When we do this we are actually saying we don't believe in grace.  We really don't live like God is a loving God.  Instead we live like we can control God.

The Good News is we don't have to work harder to earn God's love.  You and I have done nothing to lose God's love.  It is not about us it is about God.  God is love.  He loves us and pays the price to be in relationship with us for all eternity.   We have to take the freebie.  Believe.  This means we live what we believe by faith.  Stop trying to earn it.  Just live in relationship with God.

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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