Heart of Wisdom

This past week I have continued to think about one scripture.  It is not a scripture I will be preaching on.  It is one I think God is giving me for my life.  (I know that is a scripture that God has given to each of us for our lives.  That is what all the scriptures are.  Sometimes we forget right?) I have been meditating on this one verse from Psalm 90 and it keeps making it way into the situations that I have been in this week.

Psalm 90 verse 12 says, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

What does it mean to number our days?

I think that having a heart of wisdom is to be truly wise.  A heart of wisdom is not just street smarts or book smart it is wisdom.  Wisdom of life.  Wise about what really matters and make for living.  I want to be that kind of wise.  I want to be wise not to win games or trivia contest but to experience and enjoy and gain life and love of and in God.

I believe that is what the psalmist is writing about here and they say if we want to gain a heart of wisdom than we need to be taught to number our days.

What does it mean to number our days?

The 90th Psalm is talking about how eternal God is and how short our lives are.  I was with a young man who was in a car accident and needed surgery this week as well as a with a friend who lost their childhood friend at age 57.  I lost a neighbor who was 58.  Life is short it is very precious.  When we start to understand  that we start to gain a heart of wisdom.  When we are taught to see that each day is a gift from God we begin to gain real wisdom.

When we start to understand that this life is brief and for just a little while we can begin to gain the wisdom that we should not take anything for granted.  A heart of wisdom says I will not take this day for granted because I only get so many.  I will not take my time with the people I love for granted.  I will not take God and my relationship with God for granted.  I have understood that number of my days and I am going to make the most of this day, because this day is a gift from God.

Wisdom says thank you to God and others.  Today.
Wisdom says I am sorry to God and others.  Today.
Wisdom says I love you to God and others.  Today
Wisdom serves God and others.  Today.
Wisdom stops and smells the flowers.  Today
Wisdom listens to the birds sing.  Today
Wisdom treasure what is really important.  Today.

A person with a heart of wisdom makes the most of each breath, each moment, each word, and each opportunity because they have been taught by God to number their days.

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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