Hello God it's me

Good morning God!

Thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for your presence which is truly the beauty of the day. Today is a new day. It is your day. You have given it to me as a gift. May I see today as a gift from you. May I see the situations and all that I do as an opportunity to dwell in you. May I encounter you in the things that I do and the people that I meet. Help me to look for you. Help me to listen for you. Help me to be in you. Lord, today is the day that you have given me to grow in your image. Today is the day that I have been given to love deeper and to live by grace. Help me to lean on you and not on me. Help me to make the most of this day. And Lord, when the day gets rough and I forget that it is a gift, gently turn my focus back to you. Thank you for this day. Help me to love today. In Jesus name, Amen

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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