
We will not always agree with one another. There are times when brothers and sisters in Christ's, people who are sincere in their efforts to follow Jesus, will disagree. We are all different and unique. We are not clones. We are not meant to be identical. God has designed us to be diverse. Diversity in unity. What unites us is love of God and desire to follow him. What unites us is that we are all children of God created by God.

We can disagree about things and each of us still be Christians. To often I hear people attack someones sincerity of following Jesus because they disagree with us. This is becoming disagreeable. If we are going to be faithful to loving as Christ loves us than we can't become disagreeable when we disagree.

It is helpful to me when I find points of disagreement with others to remember that this is not an us and them thing it is a "we" thing. We are brothers and sister in Christ. We are each created by God and we need each other. We can each seek God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and still disagree about something. I cannot become judgmental. I can't become condemning. I must be loving, especially when I disagree. It is easy to love when everyone agrees with me. It is easy to love when others are loving. It is in those moments of disagreement that we may have a chance to love most like Jesus.

Disagree but don't become disagreeable. Tear down the wall between us and them. Build a bridge to we.

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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