
Today is the day. Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009. Today is the day.

You ask (go ahead and ask, no one will think you are crazy for talking to your computer) "what is so important about today?"

Today is the day!!! It is THE day!!!

Today is the day that we have been given to live. Today is the day that we have to spend our time in. I challenge you today to catch yourself or just notice how often your are spending time thinking about yesterday or tomorrow. We worry about what might happen tomorrow, next week, or next year. Time spent worrying about tomorrow takes away from the time that we have been given to live today. We spend time dwelling on past mistakes, past regrets, and past events and all the while we are missing out on today.

Today is the day!!!

Today is the day that God has given us that we are sure that we have to live. The past is gone and tomorrow is an uncertainty. Today we live. Today is the day for us to love like crazy. Today is the day to pass out grace and forgiveness like they are going out of style. Today is the day to offer a kind word, to say what we need to say, to help, to care, and to embody the Good News. Today is the day to live in God's presence and to lean on Jesus. Today is the day to recognize God's hand, and to feel him hold you. Today is the day to stop and smell the flowers, hear the birds sing, and to be awed by God. Look for God, because today is the day that God has given you to encounter and know him. God is with you today.

No matter where you are or what you are going through God is here for you today. Look for God today. Live for God TODAY. Love TODAY.

In Christ's love and mine,


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