People of the Way

One time Jesus, in trying to help us understand who he was, described himself as "the way". In the New Testament, we hear that the early followers of Jesus were described as people of the way. They lived lives that where marked by a radical commitment to Jesus' teaching and an irrational devotion to one another. They lived a different way. They lived following the way.

It is a beautiful way to think about how I (we) live are lives. What marks our lives? Is there any way that my life looks like a differnet way of life because I follow Jesus? Does anyone see my love for God and others as radical or irrational? Is my love, in any way, different because I am a person of the way? Am I living as a person of the way or am I just in the way? What is in the way and keeping me from following Jesus with my life?

Be different today. Live differently as a follower of the way. Show others the love of Jesus.

Love today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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