Paul and I are talking face to face
If you follow this blog from time to time you might have read about a connection that God has made between me and a friend in Kenya, Africa. (You can read about it by clicking this text) We have been talking with each other for several months through emails and short telephone calls. All the while we have prayed for one another, our families and our churches. If you have followed this story you might know that my friend Paul is a pastor to people with disabilities and that he himself is in a wheelchair as a result of polio when he was a child. For as long as I have known Paul he has said that he believed that God would make a way for us to meet face to face and talk about how we can work together for the Lord and partner in ministry.

Well, in Christ all things are possible!

Paul is here with us. He is staying in the boys bedroom. He worshiped with us on Sunday in his new power chair that was provided for him by God through the people of Dockery. Paul is going to be leading us in a revival and bringing God's word to us as we meet face to face. He will be staying here at Dockery until July 7th and minister with us a to us throughout this time. The revival will begin this Sunday 9:30 AM and then Monday -Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM. If you get a chance to come and hear my friend I know you will be touched and blessed but his heart for Jesus. If you cant make it to the revival just stop by the house, the office, or stop us on the streets and say hi.
Our God is an awesome God who makes the seemingly impossible possible!
Love today.
In Christ Love and mine,