
I will admit it, I am a resolution maker.
I like the hope and the possibility that comes with a new year.   So, at the onset of a new year I like to dream that things can be different and set out at the start of the new year to make a change for the better.  God is in the business of making things new.  The new year signals for me that promise and I am reminded as a new year begins that God is not done with me yet.  What can I do to make myself available for God's transformation and change in my life?  This is the question I ask myself as I think about a new years resolution.  What can I do differently to align myself with the work that God wants to do in my life.

I know that today is the 16th day of this new year but I have a desire to do more than set a goal and try to stick to it.  I want whatever change or decision that I make to be one that draws me closer to God.  I am not looking to draw attention to myself or an external accomplishment.  Although, there may be external changes that I need to make to draw closer to God.  What I desire, with the promise and hope of this new year, is a new a deeper love for God and to resolve to do what will help me experience more authentic relationship with Christ.

Sure, I might resolve to blog more or exercise more ( I have got to get a race on my schedule so I can work off this holiday and vacation weight) but ultimately I want to resolve to submit myself to the only one who can truly make all things new so that I can claim his promise of transformation for my life.   I want to be more real about my life, my love, and my relationship with God.

In Christ's love and mine,


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