
Last night we got some much needed rain in our area. I haven't heard how much yet, but by the looks of the puddles we got quite a bit. This time of the year is a beautiful time of the year. After this rain the grass is getting really green. On the hill in the front of the parsonage there are daffodils starting to bloom in the shape of a cross. You can see the signs of flower coming up around the church. All of this is reminders to me of God's on going creation. God's continual creating and recreating.

Do you you ever think that God is continually wanting to be recreated in you? Do you think about God creation, of you, as ongoing and continual. I think that God desires to be continual at work in us, creating us, into the people that he wants us to be. It is a process that is carried out as we live our lives in him and allow him to live in us.

It is a process like the seasons. Things die off and new things bloom. Things like guilt, shame, anger, judgement, hopelessness, sinful behavior, and selfishness die off as we allow God to reign in us. As his Holy Spirit is poured into our lives new life of love, hope, peace, joy, gratitude, grace and forgiveness sprout forth. The image of God in us, that we are created in, grows in us. A continually creation process.

What are you doing for recreation in your life? Is it allow God to be re:created in you?
Do you see signs of new life? Are there things dieing off that need to die off?

Take God up on the offer of new life and the promise of Easter. Allow God to continually be a work in you recreating you into the image of God.

Love today. Grow today.

In Christ's love and mine,


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