Trust In

Trust is always in something.  I trust in you.  You trust in me.  We trust in our cars to get from point A to point B.  We trust in God.  Trust always has a subject.  Trust is a verb.  Our trust is not displayed or shown in what we say it is revealed in what we do.  If we are really honest with ourselves we can see what we trust in when difficulty comes our way.  When trouble comes where do we look?  What do we turn to and lean on when times get hard.  Oh , and who or what do we give the credit to when things are going good.  Do we give credit to ourselves, our jobs, our status, position, wealth, or luck?  Do we grasps and reach out to those things when times are tough.  Be honest as you reflect on these situation in life because that is what our trust is really in.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.  They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm."  Psalm 20:7-8

What we trust in makes all the difference.  We can trust in God and he will never fail us.  All other things that we trust in will fail.  Not God.  If we are following Him and  have given our life to him than we will give him the credit and we will always lean on, reach out and grab hold of him.  We trust in the name of the Lord our God.

Love today.

In Christ's Love and mine,


Mrs White said…
Thank you for this message. I think it was meant for me today.
I and my family are going through a very difficult time right now. The devil is wreaking havoc in my home and I am trying to my best to continue to praise and worship God. I am trying to remember to have faith and TRUST in God.
Your prayers for me and my family would be appreciated.
Thank you again for your message.

Mrs White
Doug Franklin said…
I am praying for you and your family. I pray that God fills your home with his presence, grace, mercy and love.
Mrs White said…
Thank you for your prayers. He definitely heard them. While things may not be as I want them I am confident now that they are as they should be and I am now at peace.

Mrs White

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