Lenten Reflection #11:Our Father

Gracious, loving, merciful, Father of all.  You are not of this world, heavenly, yet you call us your children and you are living in relationship with us.  Father and child.

You and your name are worth loving, adoring, honoring, respecting and praising.
May we do today in our world what you would have us do.  May your plans and your purposes be fulfilled in this world just as they are in Heaven.

You are our provider, supply us with all that we need for today,  Keep us content.  Keep us from hoarding for ourselves or trusting in other things to provide. Keep us focused on your provision for today.

Forgive us for the hurts that we have caused you and your children.  Forgive us for the ways that we have separate ourselves from you and from others.  We forgive those that have hurt us.  We let go of our need for retribution.  We let go and forgive just like you.

Keep us behind you today, following your lead.  In our weakness, provide us with your strength to overcome the temptations to stray away or get ahead of you. Keep us from harms way.  Keep us out of the evil ones neighborhood,

You are my life, not a part of it.  You are my world, The Kingdom.
You are all the power I need.  You are The Power.
You are my all and all deserving of love, honor, and praise.  Glory!
I love you now and forever,

In Christ's love and mine,


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