Lenten Reflection # 31: Easter is Coming!

I was just thinking the other day how quickly this season of Lent has gone by. Easter is just around the corner. This Sunday is Palm Sunday and then we will move into Holy Week. Easter is on the horizon.  

Of course we still will pass through the cross and Calvery. We will be confronted by and encounter the passion of Jesus. There is still darkness before we reach the light of Easter. But, hang on Easter is coming. 

Easter transforms the darkness to light. Easter changes death to light. Easter turns all our Good Friday's to Easter Sundays. 

This is the promise of the parable of Easter.  For all our Good Fridays there is an Easter morning. For all the days that we pass through that are filled with pain and darkness there is an Easter coming.   Beautiful, life giving transforming days are coming!  

Hang on Easter is coming!  I can see it on the horizon. 

In Christ's love and mine,


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