Lenten Reflection #9:Remembering the Sabbath
"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" Exodus 20:8
Sunday morning worship is really a highlight to my week. Those times that I miss being able to gather with my church family and worship, for whatever reason, always seem leave my week flat. It seems all week like something is missing. The rhythm of life is just off. I need that weekly reset, refocus and intentional turn away from myself and my situation to God. Sunday morning worship helps me connect to God and focus my life on Him.
This being said I am sure that God meant more than just "go to church" when he says to remember the sabbath. I find it interesting that the NIV translations says, by remembering we keep the Sabbath holy.
Understanding what is meant by remembering the Sabbath is important to keeping it holy.
The practice of Sabbath is first seen in creation when God rests from his work and is just with his creation. He walks with them in the cool of the morning. They are known by and relating to one another. The creator rest from creating to be with and enjoy his creation.
Being is remembering. Being with and investing in the relationship with out creator is remembering the Sabbath. That is what he does. He does not just take a day off. He connect to and with what he has created. Worship is about our relationship with God. It is expressing our love and offering out praise. It helps us connect to Him and have him speak into our lives.
Remembering the Sabbath is about being more than about doing. There will lots of things you and I do today. Will we do them with Him and in his name? Will we spend time connecting and growing in relationship with our creator? Will we take time to enjoy our creator as we rest from what we usually are doing every other day.
By so doing we remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
In Christ's love and mine,