Bumping into God

This weekend was an awesome weekend.
It was busy, but I kept reminding myself of my post earlier in the week about slowing down and not getting hurried. (Don't you love it when things you say come back to you)
We had a great Christmas party in St. Joe with other clergy families in the district. We got to meet up with old friends and worship like it was Christmas together. We shared in communion and then we headed back home for our Lord's Banquet.

All that I can say about the Lord's banquet is Yeah God! This was one of the neatest church dinner experiences that I have ever been a part of. It was a sacred meal. There were people from all walks of life gathered together to share in a meal that expressed the love of Christ. Dockery was challenged to go out and invite people to come, as our guest to a meal especially for them, free of charge no strings attached. The people of Dockery did a wonderful job of inviting and showing radical hospitality and extravagant generosity. I am so blessed to be part of such a beautiful, loving, caring, compassionate, and generous church family that seeks to live out their relationship with God in real and tangible ways. It was such a blessing to be at the Lord's banquet.

Sunday was filled with worship as we celebrated the joy that comes to us as we live in relationship with God. We then had a great fellowship meal and spent the rest of the afternoon caroling to our friends and neighbors. What a blessing.

I share this, not to give a list of the weekend events, but to say that in these ordinary moments of this weekend I saw Jesus. I kept bumping into God as I gathering with friends and colleagues in ministry, shared in communion, shared in a chicken noodle dinner with all the "fixins", during church worship, and caroling in peoples homes. This was a weekend that when I just opened my eyes and looked I could see Jesus and encounter God in my life.

Have you bumped into Jesus lately?
How did you see God this past weekend.


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