Laughing Jesus

Following Jesus is meant to be fun.
Jesus is not a fun hater. He didn't come as a wet towel to damp out fun. Jesus wants us to have fun and following Jesus should be full of fun. Too often, we Christians make following Jesus seem like a bummer, a downer, a list of don't dos, and a "funless" (I may have made this word up) way of life.
I have to admit that there was a time in my ministry that a good friend came to me and told me "I had lost my funny." Sadly, she was right. I had started taking myself too seriously. I had started focusing on "ministry" more than following Jesus. I don't like to say it, but she was right, I had lost sight of the joy and fun of following Jesus. This is not the way God intends our life in Christ to be.
Following Jesus is fun, it is an adventure, and it is full of excitement. Jesus wants to be a vital and important part of our whole lives. This includes fun, recreation (re-creation), laughter and joy. Jesus is the author and creator of this stuff. We can and should have fun following Jesus. Church can and should be fun. As followers of Jesus we need to live lives that reflect to others the Jesus that we follow.
The picture that I posted with this blog is one of my favorite pictures of Jesus. It is called laughing Jesus. I love this picture because it illustrates Jesus having fun and laughing exuberantly. I want my life to express Jesus in this way. A life that reflects the fun and exuberant laughter of following Jesus.
Love today. Have fun today.
In Christ's love and mine,