One day at a time

Well, I have made it to my second post. As I said this was going to be a discipline for me. If I am going to this is is going to take me doing it one day at a time.

Our relationship with God is the same way. As I woke up this morning I had the verse from Colossians rolling around in my head.

"And Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

I then went about my day with this passage running through my head.
I got ready.
I talked to Nicole and the kids.
I took the kids to school.
The kids I prayed.
I waved at folks from my car.
I greeted people at the school.
I listened to the radio.
I stopped back by the house to talk to Nicole again, talked to Darbey.
I came over to the church office.
Checked email
Read comments to the previous post.
Started this post.

This is real life. This has just been the start of my day. Boring to some I am sure. The passage form Colossians seems to say something to me about real life and how everything that I do, all of it, is an opportunity for me to do it the name of Jesus. Jesus is with me in every moment. Everything that I do whether it is getting out of bed, reading email, responding to others comments, talking to my wife and children, greeting people as they pass by, or listening to the radio, the scriptures say, can be done in the name of Jesus giving thanks to God the father through him.

How do we live our real lives in the name of Jesus. How do we get up in Christ presence giving God thanks. How can we talk to others around us in the name of Jesus giving thanks to God. What might change about the way that I do the ordinary stuff of my day if I consciously was aware that everything was an opportunity for me to love like Jesus and express Christ character. All that I did in word or deed I did in the name of Jesus giving thanks to God.

Today is the only day that I have to practice this and to work on it. I can't get caught up in the missed opportunities of yesterday and I can't worry about whether I will make the most of tomorrow's opportunities or not. We only have today to do whatever we do in the name of Jesus giving thanks to God the father through him.

In Christ's love and Mine,


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