Dr. Pepper Day
I like Dr. Pepper.
I had gone without it for the past 7 days and was starting to believe that they, for some unknown reason, didn't allow Dr. Pepper in the Holy Land. Today was a good day!! I found Dr. Pepper and it only cost $3.50 for one 12 oz. can. What a bargin! Thank you to Connie for buying me one.
However, it was not the Dr. Pepper that made the day great. It helped. But, It would have been a great day without it. It was a bonus. I love it when God throws in bonuses.
Today, we got to tour Mesada. This is an over 2000 yr old Palace that was built by King Herod on top of a huge mountain. We walked all the way down the mountain. This is a remarkable, breathtaking, awesome place with incredible views of the Dead Sea. We also visited the place where the Dead Sea scrolls were found (Qumran) and the En-gedi wilderness where David hid from Saul. But, this is not all. Today I swam, well floated, in the Dead Sea. This was a remarkable experience. They claim that the mud has anti-aging properties and that the waters are healing. It was such a neat experience.
Lets see. I climbed a mountain, touched history, visited the place of the Dead Sea scrolls, smeared age defying mud on my body and swam in the Dead Sea. I would say that it was a good day. Did I mention that I found a Dr. Pepper too.
But, you know the best part of it all was that God was with me all the way and I could feel his presence. I laughed with God as I laughed with others. I ate with God as I ate with others. I experienced God in the breathtaking views and the mountaintop experiences. And I saw God in others I we climbed down the mountain. I had fun, and enjoyed God's presence and creation. I played like a child. Like a child of God. It was a good day. Enjoy the pictures. Enjoy your day with God. Look for his bonuses.

Love today.
In Christ's love and mine,
I guess they got David wore slick. They ought to give you more breaks for nap time! Glad you had such a great time today, Bonuses are always good, esp. God bonuses!
I love you 7 ~ Me